Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector

smoke and carbon monoxide detectorDo you know the difference between carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors? Unfortunately, many homeowners believe that if they have one, they're protected from the other. This is definitely not the case! Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless gas that puts a new meaning to the phrase "silent but deadly". On top of that, the benefits of a smoke detector should not be disregarded. Both are equally important for maintaining a safe living environment.

Changing the batteries in your smoke detectors is a crucial step in preventing out of control fires. However, smoke detectors do have an expiration date. Having an electrician install new smoke detectors with hard wiring as a backup can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your home. Though batteries work, a hard wiring backup prevents you from removing old batteries and not changing them. The wiring causes the detector to beep until you replace the batteries, and keeps you safer. If your smoke alarms aren't working, you are nine times more likely to be injured as a result of a fire in your home.

Carbon monoxide detectors are especially important in homes with furnaces, generators, and fireplaces; and while it's essential that homes with these features have detectors installed, all homes should be equipped with them. An electrician can make sure these are properly installed, and in the correct location. They should be placed about 5 feet above the ground, since carbon monoxide is lighter than air.

Contact your local electrician to schedule a home fire inspection if you have any doubts as to your home's level of preparedness. Not only can they make sure you're safe and sound, but you'll also receive peace of mind knowing that a qualified professional is taking care of you.

Please contact Leinster Electric at 973-349-4184 or use our online form to a request an appointment to see how our expert residential electricians can help you with smoke detector and carbon monoxide detectors!

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